
Wazifa for Child

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Rohani Ilaj For Children

The procedure is very beneficial and helps you fight your entire problem. It will help you know when you will get pregnant and how healthy your baby will be. It will also reveal whether your baby will be a boy or girl. If you are in a dilemma about whether you should plan your baby now or wait for some time, then you should practice istikhara for getting pregnant and Insha Allah, you will be able to make the best decision of your life. If you are trying to make a baby but it is not happening, then also you can practice istikhara for getting pregnant to find out whether you will ever have a baby or not.

Aulad kay liye wazifa

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Istikhara is the physical power to seek spirituality for better actions. Istikhara means seeking the assistance of Allah Talah for any decision of your life. If you wish to take any important decision of your life, then remember no one but only the Almighty Allah is your caretaker in this world. So, why not seek help from Him. It is the supreme most approach and you can literally practice it for anything. If you want to know when your wife will get pregnant and whether you will have a boy or girl, then you can perform istikhara for having baby.

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